The purpose of a council is to provide “a continuing mechanism for two (2) or more IEEE Societies, called Member Societies, to work together in a multi-disciplinary technical area of mutual interest, primarily through conferences and publications.” (References: IEEE Bylaws I-401.6, and the TAB Operations Manual, para. 4.8.)
In June 2015, the IEEE recognized the Council on RFID, which had been the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID. CRFID became the 46th society/council within the IEEE Technical Activities Board. The field of interest for CRFID is the theory and practice of matters relating to RFID (radio frequency identification) and RFID-related systems. The purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of radio frequency identification (RFID) carried throughout the IEEE and as such is scientific, literary and educational in character.
Member societies and councils with an interest in RFID appoint their volunteer representatives, one of whom has voting privileges on the Council. In addition, CRFID welcomes any IEEE member who would like to become involved in the work of this community.