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Call for Nominations for IEEE CRFID 

Emily Sopensky Meritorious Service Award 

Deadline 10 May 2024

The Council on IEEE RFID is currently seeking nominations for the IEEE CRFID Emily Sopensky Meritorious Service Award.

Please send nominations (nomination letter and any supporting materials) to Luca Catarinucci (luca.catarinucci@unisalento.it).  

This service award is given to members who have, exceptionally, served the council on RFID to advance its goals, mission, reaching out to the members, and enhancing the visibility of the Council within IEEE and globally. The winner will receive a plaque, certificate, and honorarium of $1000.00. The deadline for receiving materials is 10 May 2024.

Emily Sopensky Biography:  A business consultant, Emily Sopensky specialized in strategies for technology companies. After 20 years in Central Texas, she became the second IEEE-USA Fellow to the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC. Her technology focus was Internet and web development as well as radio frequency identification. From 1995, she worked with Texas Instruments on RFID and their burgeoning RFID product lines, beginning with intelligent transportation systems. After moving to the DC area, she co-founded a consortium dedicated to the use of wireless digital technology in healthcare in 2008. With the Intelligent Healthcare Association, she chaired the Awards program to recognize healthcare facilities and providers using these technologies to contain cost and improve patient safety. Ms. Sopensky, a Wharton MBA, received her technology training on the job and through IEEE. She led the formation of the IEEE Council on RFID in 2015 which became a permanent council of the IEEE in 2022. Sadly, she lost her battle with cancer in 2019.